A busy year for the community. A new 125 bed, state-of-the-art facility was constructed at Faversham Road for residents from Chatham Lea Hostel and Harcourt Nursing Home.
The month of April sees BASScare take over the management and running of Hamer Court Hostel in East Kew, previously run by the City of Boroondara. In June, BASScare merges with Airdrie House Society Inc., which provides housing for financially disadvantaged nurses.
Construction begins on a new 60-bed wing attached to Faversham House on the site where Chatham Lea Hostel once stood.
Hester Canterbury, a boutique retirement village, opens on Chatham Road, on the site of the old Chatham Lea Hostel.
BASScare takes over the City of Boroondara’s Meals on Wheels program in the Hawthorn and Kew areas.
Maling Road Home Care Services Shop opens.
BASScare commences Meals on Wheels delivery in the City of Manningham.
BASScare merges with Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services, a like organisation with a long history of providing aged care services in Boroondara.
Pam worked in Pathology for over 40 years managing local, State and National roles including Chief Scientist, National Patient Services Manager, Executive Project Manager and CEO requiring a broad range of skills. During this time Pam was also involved in a number of successful mergers and acquisitions plus tender bids.In addition to Pathology she managed Medical Practices, Skin Cancer Clinic’s and Radiology Practices. After retiring Pam continued to provide services to Australian State and national governments as a consultant.
Bernard Corser is the Principal of Bernard Corser Property Consulting. Bernard established the company in 1988 and has been actively involved with real estate in Melbourne for over 40 years. His experience has given him an intimate knowledge of and expertise in all aspects of buying, selling and managing properties.
Bernard holds a Certificate of Business Studies (RMIT) and a Further Certificate of Management (RMIT). Bernard is a licensed real estate agent and a licensed auctioneer and a member of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and a Fellow of the Australian Real Estate Institute of Australia. Bernard volunteers his time to many worthwhile causes and holds positions on numerous boards and committees. Bernard was appointed to the BASScare board in 2002. Bernard is a member of the Building Committee.
Trevor Gorman has significant commercial experience gained over the past 40 years including over 19 years as a partner of the accounting firm Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu. Trevor is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and has a Post Graduate Diploma of Business Administration from Swinburne University.
Trevor was a director of the North Balwyn Citizens Welfare Association from 1994 and was appointed to the BASScare board in 2001 when the two organisations merged. Trevor is Chair of the Building Committee.
Nicholas was a director and shareholder of a global management consulting firm before setting up his own consultancy in 2021 specialising in remuneration and job design. Nicholas was previously a human resources executive, initially in a multi-national oil company and later a government-own gas utility.
Nicholas is also a director of Casterton Memorial Hospital. He holds a B.A. /M.A. (Prelim) from the University of Melbourne and an MBA from Monash University where he is also currently a PhD candidate. Nicholas is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Nicholas was appointed to the BASScare board in 2010, and he is the inaugural chair of the board’s risk committee.
Paul is a partner at PwC Australia where, for over 15 years, he has lead a highly experienced team specialising in supporting privately owned businesses, their owners and families to achieve their business and personal goal.
With over 30 years of experience in audit, Paul’s skill set lies in the provision of audit and advisory services in a diverse range of fields which includes aged care.
Paul joined the BASScare board in 2017.
Paul holds a Bachelor of Accounting from Melbourne University.
Kate Metcalf is the Principal of K A Metcalf Solicitors and a Sessional Member of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Kate is a Trustee of The Baker Foundation and a Director of Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute.
Kate has previously held positions as Senior Solicitor Monash University, Legal Director Asia Carestream Health Australia Pty Ltd and Senior Counsel and Company Secretary Kodak (Australasis) Pty Ltd. Kate was appointed to the BASScare board in 2014.
Jeff is an economic and financial educator & advisor. He is an active member on other boards which involve, not only providing economic and financial advice, but also the development of the next generation of business leaders in Victoria.
Jeff joined the BASScare board in 2017.
Jeff holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons 1) from the University of Newcastle, as well as an MBA from Australian Graduate School of Management. He is a Honorary Fellow at Macquarie University in the Applied Finance Centre and lectures about the economics of financial markets to masters students in Australia, and China.
Dr Josh Ye is a General Practitioner and part owner of a practice focusing on aged care. He has diverse
experience in medicine, starting off his training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and subsequently
spending significant time working in rural Victoria and South Australia. He is passionate about aged care
and currently services several nursing homes across Melbourne.
Josh is a fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners since 2017. He holds a Bachelor of Medical
Science, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with honours from University of Melbourne, and
a Master of Public Health from University of Newcastle. He is a registered medical practitioner with the
Medical Board of Australia.
Josh was appointed to the BASScare board in 2023. He is a member of both the clinical governance and
risk committees.
Liz was a General Practitioner at the Glen Iris Medical Centre for 32 years. During her career, she developed a large geriatric patient practice, visiting many residential aged care facilities in the local area. Her other passion was in General Practice education, where she served as a medical educator, training GP registrars for 27 years and as an examiner for the FRACGP examination for 25 years.
She graduated from Monash University medical school in 1977 with an MBBS and was awarded the inaugural prize for community medicine. In 1979, she received the diploma of obstetrics and in 1985, the fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
A Life Member of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Liz was also a member of the Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services board from 2001 for 23 years. She was appointed to the BASScare board in February 2025, following the merger of SAAS with BASScare.
Liz was honoured with a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division for her service to medicine in January 2023.
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