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As a not for profit aged care provider, BASS Care depends on the generosity of the community to help run and maintain our residential and community care programs so that the lives of the older people we care for are enriched.

It is only through community support and volunteers that we are able to continue our mission of care.


Help to support BASScare by donating via Phone, Fax, Online or Mail.


Call 03 8809 0004 and have your credit card details on hand to donate over the phone.


Print the BASScare Donation Form and send to:

PO Box 304
Canterbury Vic 3126


Make a donation to BASScare through the free online donations service provided by Give Now, an online community resource. The online donations service is totally secure and ensures 100 per cent of the donation goes straight to BASScare. Only normal bank fees are deducted from the donation.

To donate via this service click on and follow the prompts.

Leave a Bequest

A bequest is a gift left in a Will. When you make a bequest to BASScare, you make a gift that lasts longer than a lifetime. It is a lasting contribution to enable the BASScare community service work to continue and make a real difference. A bequest provides a gift for the future and will assist in our planning for the accommodation, care and well being of elderly residents. Your bequest, however big or small, is greatly appreciated and valued by BASScare.

Why Make a Will?

Almost half of all Australians die without leaving a Will. If you die without leaving a Will, you have no control over what happens with your Estate and this could lead to legal complications with people you really wanted to benefit either getting less than you intended or even nothing at all.

Making a Will is an important part of planning for the future of your family and will give you peace of mind that your wishes and general affairs are taken care of.

If you already have a Will, you may want to conduct a review as your particular circumstances may have changed and you may want to make sure the Will continues to reflect your wishes.

Making a Codicil (Amendment)

The main benefit of making a codicil to your Will is that you can make minor changes to your Will without having to make an entirely new Will.

For example, you may decide to make an additional legacy to a person or a charity.

Issue to Raise with Your Solicitor

Whether you intend to make a new Will or a minor amendment via a codicil, it is advisable to seek qualified legal advice to prepare the document and ensure that your wishes are correctly recorded. Your legal practitioner can advise you on taxation implications, trusts, guardians, asset valuations and power of attorney.

Your Gift

Naming Boroondara Aged Services Society (BASScare) in your Will is a very simple but greatly appreciated way of remembering your association with our organisation. The form of wording is important and you may like to show the following examples to your legal practitioner when you include BASScare in your Will.

“I give the sum of $…….. free of all duties and testamentary expenses to Boroondara Aged Services Society for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Boroondara Aged Services Society shall be sufficient discharge to my executors of this bequest.”

Or, you may wish to leave what remains of your Estate (the residuary estate) after specific gifts have been made to your family, friends and loved ones.

“I give the rest and residue of my estate to Boroondara Aged Services Society for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Boroondara Aged Services Society shall be sufficient discharge to my executors of this bequest.”

BASScare is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charitable entity and a deductible gift recipient. Gifts and bequests of $2 or more are tax deductible.

If you are planning to leave a gift to BASScare in your Will, please let us know so we can thank you and acknowledge you on behalf of the many lives you will change.

Please click here to download a BASScare Bequests Form and follow the instructions given on the form.

Memorial Giving

When a family member or friend dies, we experience grief, sadness and, ultimately, an appreciation of all memories we have of that special person. A Memorial Donation to BASScare is a thoughtful way to remember someone, and at the same time help those who remain.
When a Memorial Donation is made to BASScare, we can provide the family of the loved one with the following:

Letter Expressing Condollensces and Appreciation

The next of kin/nearest family member of the person who has died is sent a letter expressing condolences and special thanks to all those who kindly made memorial donations (the dollar amount is not mentioned).

Receipts for All

Everyone who makes a memorial donation is sent a letter of thanks and receipt, which can be used for tax purposes, if required.

To make a Memorial Donation in honour of a loved one:


Call 03 8809 0004 and have your credit card details on hand to donate over the phone.


Print the Memorial donation form and send with your cheque or credit card details to:

PO Box 304
Canterbury Vic 3126

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BASScare acknowledges the traditional owners as the original custodians of this land, and respects their customs and traditions and their special relationship with the land.
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